The resolution by Cabinet to delay the decision on the percentage of New Homes Bonus that is to be allocated to affected communities demonstrates that the approach to budget setting is flawed. Using the NHB as a balancing float is unsustainable and only serves to mask budgets and services that otherwise may not be cost effective or inefficient.

Cabinet reported that a decision on how much needs to be taken from NHB to balance the budget cannot be made until all the other budgetary pressures are known.

This proves my point that it’s used as the tail that wags the dog.

Whatever the recommended percentage turns out to be it’s the principle that worries me. It’s storing up problems for future administrations.

The practice to prop up revenue budgets is short term. It should be for capital investment, bricks and mortar, projects to bring inward investment and pride back into the whole district.

In Hagley we’re desperate to rebuild the community centre and support the growth of the Scouts and Guides as well as supporting other community projects. I’m sure that’s the case elsewhere too.

The delay is only postponing the inevitable - a leadership budget that does not represent and meet the needs of the district as a whole. It really is time for a change.

Cllr Colella, Deputy leader of the Independent Alliance Group and ward councillor for Hagley