At the end of Fairtrade Fortnight 2015 the Stourbridge Fairtrade Group says a big “Thank You” to the very many people in Stourbridge who have helped Fairtrade to flourish here since Stourbridge first achieved Fairtrade Town Status in September 2010.

Thanks are due to the local shops and shoppers who stock and choose Fairtrade products , there are now over 4500 to choose from. We must also thank the Stourbridge Chamber of Trade and the members and officers of Dudley Council for providing publicity materials such as the massive banner which hung over Market Street last carnival and the Fairtrade Town Street signs by the Ring Road at the top and bottom of the High Street. All these help to publicise Fairtrade and also highlight that Stourbridge , as a Fairtrade Town , is a special place.

St James’s Primary School and Oldswinford Primary have both achieved Fairtrade School Status and other local schools and colleges are also developing activities and projects to promote the Fairtrade cause. “Churches Together in Stourbridge” actively supported the campaign to make Stourbridge a Fairtrade Town right from the start and individual churches support Fairtrade Fortnight in various ways.

The focus for Fairtrade Fortnight 2015 has been on bananas, tea, cocoa and sugar and we hope your readers will consider swapping to a new Fairtrade option for something they regularly buy in 2015.

Fairtrade really does make a difference.

People buying Fairtrade products in 2013 brought an additional £26 million of “Fairtrade Premium” to farmers and their communities in the developing world. Those farmers can then decide themselves how to use that premium to benefit their communities perhaps with a new school room, clinic or water well.

Readers can follow Stourbridge Fairtrade on Facebook at www.facebook.

com/stourbridgefairtrade; they can also visit www.stourbridge.

com and ( and put Fairtrade into the Search Box.) Thanks to all!

Michaela Vallance : Chair of Stourbridge Fairtrade Virginia Williams : Vice-Chair of Stourbridge Fairtrade On behalf of the Stourbridge Fairtrade Town Steering Group