With the season of jolliness fast approaching, many people across the nation eagerly await Christmas music and presents. However, for many underprivileged individuals in our local community, presents are not the first thing on their mind; rather it is where their next meal will come from. This is why, hardworking students at the local Shrewsbury School decided to host a Christmas Fair last Sunday, donating all funds to the local food bank downtown.

Every year, during late November, over 30 student volunteers, as well as a variety of local small businesses join in a hall at Shrewsbury School to sell their products, ranging from socks, gift baskets, candles, decorations and more, with some that are handmade by students at schools.

Chloe Lynch, a student volunteer states that “students and local businesses alike joined together to raise money”. The aspect of community and partnership is evident at this annual event, boasting strong turnouts each year. Lynch further mentions that “for all of us volunteers, it was very fun and fulfilling as we knew our time was given to a good cause.” The Christmas Fair is truly a Christmas event, with its goodwill and jolliness spread towards volunteers and recipients alike.

With Christmas soon approaching, it is necessary for us as a community to help those less fortunate. With this alone, may we spread the Christmas spirit, bringing light and joy for all those around us.